Waduh, Pesawat Kehabisan Oksigen di Udara, Timnas Nyaris Gambia Nyaris Tewas

Jumat 12 Jan 2024 - 21:14 WIB
Reporter : Boim
Editor : Imran
Waduh, Pesawat Kehabisan Oksigen di Udara, Timnas Nyaris Gambia Nyaris Tewas

@blessingphiri125: thank God you all safe.

(Alhamdulillah kalian semua selamat)

@Kid Flashy: Alhamdulillah that they are alright

@Ichbin_juliet: Yet Africans are in this app fighting over best food or dance. Smh

@brido: they need to bell J Hus and ask for protection

@cooldude1234565: African corruption at its highest. This why Africans pick Europe. (Korupsi Afrika pada titik tertinggi. Inilah sebabnya mengapa orang Afrika memilih Eropa)

@LK: AFCON is always I mess and I’m always here for it

@Joséph Isaac: Village people are on loose again.

@AsundayaUnderTheStar: There’s always something going on with pilots and planes these days? 

@The African Raccoon: But let's get serious why use such a plane?!. (Tapi mari kita serius mengapa menggunakan pesawat seperti itu?!). *

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